5th Annual PTSA Parent Forum presents:
Should We Drink With Our Teens?
Answer A: “Yes. I want to teach them to be responsible drinkers.”
Answer B: “No. One drink is too much.”
Which answer is correct? A or B?
Which do you practice in your home?
Come and join us to hear from our panel of experts.
You will learn about the latest research and data on teenage drinking, brain development, lowering the drinking age (Amethyst Initiative), the “European Approach”, family counseling, the law in North Carolina.
The evening will consist of one hour of expert panelist presentations followed by one hour of questions and answers. This event is co-sponsored by the High School PTSA organizations of Carrboro, East Chapel Hill,
and Chapel Hill and is free and open to the public.
Date: Wednesday, February 4th at 7PM
Place: East Chapel Hill High School’s Auditorium
Dean Blackburn, MA, Assistant Dean of Students and Community Relations at UNC-Chapel Hill. Mr. Blackburn will discuss current campus culture and university concerns regarding underage drinking.
Michael Eisen, MA, LPC - State Coordinator - NC Preventing Underage Drinking Initiative/NC Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Eisen will discuss the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 and the relationship between the minimum legal drinking age, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems including current research about the “European Approach”.
Tina Lepage, PsyD, Lepage Associates Solution-Based Psychological Services, providing services to local adolescents, parents and families. Dr. Lepage will discuss the social and psychological dynamics of adolescent drinking and tips for parents on prevention.
Matt Sullivan, JD, MSW, Chapel Hill Police Department Crisis Counselor. Mr. Sullivan will concentrate on the criminal and civil liabilities of adult providers and underage consumers, and current teenage drinking
Aaron White, PhD, Health Science Administrator, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Dr. White will share his expert research on the effects of alcohol on the developing teenage brain.
Moderator: Art Belden, ECHHS PTSA President
For information contact
Carrboro High School: Katina Rogers, katinarogers@bellsouth.net
Chapel Hill High School: Martha Sheard Farley, msheardfarley@nc.rr.com
East Chapel Hill High School: Christian Gilbert, xtian12@aolcom, Karen Lewis, tokyokaren@yahoo.com
Coalition for Alcohol and Drug Free Teenagers of Chapel Hill and Carrboro: dalepratt-wilson@nc.rr.com
If you were unable to attend this year’s Parent Forum, you can access it in the following ways:
TV: Airing on The People's Channel (Channel 8 on Time Warner Cable) Thursday, March 19th and Thursday March 26th at 8:00pm
Webcast: http://chccsptsa.blip.tv
CD: A CD version is available for check-out at the library at each of the CHCCS high schools.
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